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Brazil Holiday On November 20 2026?

The following are Brazil's national holidays and other observances that apply to Friday, 2026-11-20:

  • Black Awareness Day:

    The Black Awareness Day is celebrated in Brazil on 20 November 2026. It started in 2003 and became a nationwide celebration by Law No. 12,519 of November 10, 2011, and it is considered as a holiday in a thousand cities across the country and in the states of Alagoas, Amazonas, Amapá, Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro completely by state decrees. In the states that have not adopted the law, it is the responsibility of the mayor, to decide whether or not it will be a holiday in the city. The occasion is dedicated to reflect on the inclusion of blacks in the Brazilian society. The date was chosen to coincide with the day of the death of 'Zumbi dos Palmares' in 1695. Therefore, Black Awareness Day seeks to conmemorate black resistance against slavery in general, from the first transport of Africans to Brazilian soil in 1549.
  • Morte de Zumbi dos Palmares:

    [alagoas] Este dia lembra a morte de Zumbi dos Palmares, herói da resistência negra para o fim da escravidão no Brasil, morto em 20 de novembro de 1695.
  • Treaty of Petrópolis Anniversary:

    [acre] [substitute] Today is the 123th anniversary of The Petropolis Treaty. The state of Acre was originally Bolivian territory and it was annexed to Brazil with the signing of the Treaty of Petropolis, on November 17, 1903 in the Brazilian city of Petrópolis. With this agreement, Brazil paid Bolivia the amount of 2 million pounds among other duties. Moreover, the document was signed as a means to end the conflicts of the Acre Revolution, which occurred in the region.


[alagoas] State holiday in Alagoas.

[acre] This is a holiday in the state of Acre. According to Law 2,247/2009, holidays will be celebrated on Friday if they fall between Tuesday and Thursday inclusive, except for State of Acre Anniversary.

[substitute] This is a substitute day. Treaty of Petrópolis Anniversary moved from 2026-11-17.

Content last updated on 2016-08-23T15:26:00Z