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Canadian Holiday On March 25 2024?

Holidays in Canada are either statutory, federal or optional. There are five nationwide statutory holidays namely: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, Labour Day, Christmas Day. Federal holidays are mandated by federal legislation for federally regulared employees nationwide. There are other statutory and optional holidays observed in Canadian provinces under the same or diferent names and dates. Some municipalities also have local statutory holidays. For instance, the morning of the Stampede Parade is often given as a half-day holiday in the city of Calgary. In Ontario, the August Civic Holiday is not defined provincially, but by each municipality. If a holiday occurs on a day that is normally not worked, then another day off with pay will be provided. There are some exceptions, however. In Alberta, an employee is not entitled to compensation if a holiday falls on a non-work day. There are also specific laws pertinent to the National Holiday of Quebec. When New Year's Day, Canada Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day or Boxing Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday you would not normally work, you are entitled to a holiday with pay on the working day immediately before or after the holiday. If one of the other holidays falls on a weekend, then your employer must add a holiday with pay to your annual vacation or give you a paid day off at another mutually convenient time.

We have no record of any holiday or observation nationwide on this day.