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Time difference between Australia and United Kingdom


Australia has multiple time zones, that reason we now list some of the most important places with their respective local times.

Actual local time in Australia

Sidney (New South Wales (most areas))??:??
New South Wales (New South Wales (most areas))??:??
Northern Territory (Northern Territory)??:??
Queensland (Queensland (most areas))??:??
South Australia (South Australia)??:??
Tasmania (Tasmania (most areas))??:??
Victoria (Victoria)??:??
Western Australia (Western Australia (most areas))??:??

Actual local time in United Kingdom


    Australia time changes in 2018

  • AEST standard time (UTC+10) takes effect on 2018-03-31 at 16:00.
  • AEDT daylight saving time (UTC+11) takes effect on 2018-10-06 at 16:00.
  • ACST standard time (UTC+9.5) takes effect on 2018-03-31 at 16:30.
  • ACDT daylight saving time (UTC+10.5) takes effect on 2018-10-06 at 16:30.

    United Kingdom time changes in 2018

  • BST daylight saving time (UTC+1) takes effect on 2018-03-25 at 01:00.
  • GMT standard time (UTC+0) takes effect on 2018-10-28 at 01:00.

If it's 12PM in Australia, what time is it in United Kingdom?

When it's 12:00 PM in Canberra, Australia, time in London, England, United Kingdom is 01:00 AM.

Inverse calculation

Distance between Australia and United Kingdom

City of Australia:
City of United Kingdom:

Canberra, Australia's latitude is -35.3 and its longitude is 148.12. London, England, United Kingdom's latitude is 51.5 and its longitude is -0.13. The distance in kilometers between Australia and United Kingdom is 16,920 km.


Traveling from Canberra to London, England

By car, it would take you approximately 211.5 hours to get to London, England, United Kingdom driving non-stop from Canberra, Australia at a constant speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

By plane, it would take you approximately 28.2 hours to get to London, England, United Kingdom taking a direct flight from Canberra, Australia.

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