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Time Changes in Palau 2017

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Time zones in use in Palau

In Palau, there is only one time zone in use: Palau Time, PWT (UTC+09). Time in Palau does not change because it does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

For comparing the current time in Palau and United Kingdom or any other country combination, visit time comparison. For an introduction to UTC and world time, read UTC by country. Time changes in Palau are shown below by city, state or region.

RegionsStandard TimeDaylight Saving Time
Time zone201620172018Time zone201620172018
  • Ngerulmud
Palau Time
PWT (UTC+09)
UTC+09 all year longNo Daylight Saving Time

History of Time Changes

The information in this page comes from data published in the Time Zone Database managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

YearTime zone AbbreviationUTC OffsetTime zone NameDaylight Saving TimeBegins (local time)

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Content last updated on 2016-12-19