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Is February 23 2024 Part Of A Jewish Celebration?

The following is a collection of holidays, commemorations, observations and celebrations for the Jewish community during Friday, 2024-02-23. For more information on the equivalence of dates in the Hebrew calendar and other calendars, please see Hebrew Calendar 5784.

  • Purim Katan:

    [minor] During leap years on the Hebrew calendar, Purim is celebrated in the second month of Adar. (The Karaites, however, celebrate it in the first month of Adar.) The 14th of the first Adar is then called Purim Katan ("Little Purim" in Hebrew) and the 15th is Shushan Purim Katan, for which there are no set observances but have a minor holiday aspect to it. The distinctions between the first and the second Purim in leap years are mentioned in the Mishnah. Certain prayers like Tachanun, Keil Erech Apayim (when 15 Adar I is a Monday or Thursday) and Lam'nazteach (Psalm 20) are omitted during the service. When 15th Adar I is on Shabbat, "Av Harachamim" is omitted. When either 13th of 15th Adar I falls on Shabbat, "Tzidkas'cha" is omitted at Mincha. Fasting is prohibited.


[minor] This is a minor Jewish holiday.

Content last updated on 2016-08-23T15:26:00Z