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Partial lunar eclipse on September 17 2024 (El Salvador)

partial lunar eclipse September 17, 2024 (El Salvador)
Note: This image is here for illustrative purposes and does not represent the actual eclipse on this date.

The Moon information shown here applies to San Salvador, El Salvador on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. (Local time America/El Salvador)

Moonrise to moonset12h38m
Distance to the center of the Sun150,323,084 km
Distance to the center of Earth365,151 km
Moon ilumination (at midnight)98.9%
Lunar phasewaxing
Current zodiac sign the MoonAries ♈
Moon age (days past new moon)13.8

Choose a country from the list to get relevant information:

According to international time UTC, a lunar eclipse will occur on September 17, 2024 which will be visible in some parts of the world. The following shows the cities in El Salvador from which the eclipse could be visible (note that the following is a short list of some of the main cities, the eclipse may be visible from other cities not listed here). The date and local time of the event shown below.

CityEclipse visible?Phase
San SalvadorYes Penumbral, Partial
AhuachapanYes Penumbral, Partial
CuscatlanYes Penumbral, Partial
La LibertadYes Penumbral, Partial
La PazYes Penumbral, Partial
La UnionYes Penumbral, Partial
San MiguelYes Penumbral, Partial
Santa AnaYes Penumbral, Partial
SonsonateYes Penumbral, Partial

Information about this eclipse

partial lunar eclipse This image shows the global map with two regions: the shaded region where you can not see the lunar eclipse, and the blank region, where it can be seen. The image details the type of eclipse, the magnitude of the penumbra and umbra, Saros series to which this eclipse belongs, among other data. The date and time displayed in this image are international date and time, therefore, they might not apply to your country. However, to know the date and exact time of partial lunar eclipse in your country, you can see the table below. (Click on the image to enlarge it).

Eclipse schedule in El Salvador

The following table shows the schedule and phases of the partial lunar eclipse of September 17, 2024 in El Salvador. For each city we have assigned a time zone which is very precise and it takes into account Daylight Saving Time (if applicable).

Moon alt.: Excellent   Good   Low   Too low  

Event datePen. Mag.Umb. Mag.Penumbral eclipse beginsMoon alt.Partial eclipse beginsUmbral eclipse beginsMax. eclipse beginsMoon alt.Umbral eclipse endsPartial eclipse endsPenumbral eclipse endsMoon alt.
San Salvador (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411120:13-20:4440-21:1622:4766
Ahuachapan (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411020:13-20:4439-21:1622:4766
Cuscatlan (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411120:13-20:4440-21:1622:4766
La Libertad (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411120:13-20:4440-21:1622:4766
La Paz (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411120:13-20:4440-21:1622:4767
La Union (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411220:13-20:4441-21:1622:4768
San Miguel (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411220:13-20:4441-21:1622:4767
Santa Ana (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411120:13-20:4439-21:1622:4766
Sonsonate (UTC -6)2024-09-17103.7%8.5%18:411020:13-20:4439-21:1622:4766

You can read the table above as follows: On September 17, 2024 in San Salvador, America/El_Salvador (UTC -6), an partial lunar eclipse will start at 18:41, the maximum eclipse will occur at 20:44 when the Moon reaches an altitud of 40°; this event will come to an end at 22:47 and will have a penumbral magnitud of 1.037 (this is the fraction of the Moon obscured by the entrance to The Earth's penumbra) and an umbral magnitud of 0.085 (fraction of the Moon obscured by the umbra of The Earth).

Moon-Planet Conjunctions

A Moon-planet conjunction occurs when an astronomical object has either the same, or nearly the same, right ascension or the same ecliptic longitude of that of the Moon, as observed from Earth. Check all the conjunctions in September 2024.

Astronomical ObjectsDate and TimeDegrees Apart
Moon and VenusSeptember 5Venus is 1.3 degrees North of the Moon.
Moon and SpicaSeptember 6Spica is 0.6 degrees South of the Moon.
Moon and AntaresSeptember 10Antares is 0.1 degrees North of the Moon.
Moon and Saturn2024-09-17 04:14Saturn is 0.3 degrees South of the Moon.
Moon and PleiadesSeptember 22Pleiades is 0.2 degrees South of the Moon.
Moon and PolluxSeptember 26Pollux is 1.8 degrees North of the Moon.
Moon and BeehiveSeptember 27Beehive is 3.4 degrees South of the Moon.

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