Longest underwater clean-up

According to Official Guinness Records,

The longest underwater cleanup lasted 168 hours and 39 minutes and was achieved by Astro (Malaysia) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, on 13 April 2013.
The attempt took place in Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park and covered 224 dive sites around the islands. A total of 139 volunteer divers from Malaysia, France, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA, Lithuania, Switzerland, Hong Kong and the Netherlands performed a total of 1,120 dives in the marine park. The waste recovered weighed a total of 3,171.59 kg after coming out of the water. After the water had drained, the waste was separated into categories and weighed again. This revealed that 1,560.66 kg of plastic materials, 140.44 kg of glass and ceramics, 5.35 kg of paper and cardboard, 318.36 kg of metal, 357.34 kg of rubber and cloth and 716.61 kg of wood and mixed materials was recovered to give a final drained weight of 3,098.76 kg. The attempt was part of Astro's corporate responsibility programme. The aim was to create greater ecotourism awareness and to promote marine conservation.

For a complete list of 2013 records, please visit 2013 Guinness Records in Malaysia.

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27