United States Guinness Records in 1982

This is a compilation of 10 United States Guinness records in 1982. You may want to take a look at our complete list of United States Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
02 December 1982First recipient of an artificial heartfirstBarney B. Clark
19 September 1982First digital emoticonfirstUnknown
August 1982First game of footbag golffirstUnknown
29 March 1982Oldest Oscar winner as Best ActorHenry Fonda
30 January 1982Oldest Golden Globe winner - actorHenry Fonda
1982Longest war memorial wall150.42 metre(s)Vietnam Veterans Memorial
1982First use of computer-generated animationfirstTron
1982Most expensive collection of coins sold at auction44900000 US dollar(s)Eliasberg Collection
1982First television channel devoted to videogamesfirstMattel's PlayCable
1982Most destructive chase seqence in a filmThe Junkman (USA 1982

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27