China Guinness Records in 2005

This is a compilation of 14 China Guinness records in 2005. You may want to take a look at our complete list of China Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
November 2005First prison sentence for file sharingfirstChan Nai-Ming
November 2005Most official Olympic mascotsBeijing Olympics
October 2005Highest railway lineQinghai-Tibet Railway
October 2005Oldest bowl of noodlesLajia archaelogical site
20 September 2005Largest tube of toothpasteUnilever
14 September 2005Largest collection of clothing tags102005 total numberTao Chun Lin
14 September 2005Youngest person to enter the World's strongest Man competitionUnknown
08 September 2005Largest gongShanxi Baodi Real Estate Development CO. Ltd
18 March 2005Largest simultaneous balloon popping8428 peopleThe Marketing Store (Asia) Ltd
March 2005Largest collection of monkey-related items5680 total numberAngela Wu, Angela Wu, Xi Shun
05 February 2005Largest rotating three-sided billboard (advertisement)5748 square metre(s)Chongqing Financial Street Real Estate Co. Ltd
January 2005Largest jigsaw puzzle sphericalUnima Industrial (HK) Ltd.
January 2005Most populated provinceGuangdong
2005Coldest hot desert-20 degree(s) CelsiusGobi Desert

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27