Longest loaf of bread

According to Official Guinness Records,

The record for the longest loaf of bread is 1,211.6 m (3,975 ft 0.69 in) and was achieved by Município de Vagos, Ferneto, Máquinas e Artigos Para a Indústria Alimentar, Lda. and Comissão de Festas de Vagos in Vagos (Portugal) during the Bread and Bakers’ Party on 10 July 2005.
A continuous loaf was backed with 1,211.6 m length during 59:30 hours.
The loaf was done according to the traditional Portuguese recipe as a single item. For each meter of bread the following ingredients were used: 4 kg wheat flour, 2.5 litres water, 200g leaven, 100g salt and 2kg smoked pork sausage. For a total of 4846 kg wheat flour, 3029litres water, 242kg leaven, 121kg salt and 2.423kg smoked pork sausage.
The dough was prepared using 4 spiral mixers, according to traditional recipe. After being blended, the dough was placed on a 250 mm width stainless steel baking pan, where the smoked pork sausage (previously sliced) was added before backing.
More than one hundred bakers, mainly from Vagos’ municipality, produced continuously during 60 hours this loaf. The production started on the 7th of July at 8:00 p.m. and was finished on the 10th of July at 7:30 a.m.
The bread was backed on an electric tuner oven 10 meters length, specially manufactured for this event, being, however identical to all conventional bakery ovens.
After baking the bread was placed on a continuous baking pan, was pulled by a steel cable conducted by a system of rail with rollers, to facilitate its movement.
At the end of the event, the final loaf was distributed to more than 15.000 people among the 35.000 people that were attending the event. The receipts reverted to Vagos’ Firemen and Red Cross, receiving respectively 6.000€ and 3.000€ each.

For a complete list of 2005 records, please visit 2005 Guinness Records in Portugal.

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27