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Time difference between Guatemala and Mexico


Mexico has multiple time zones, that reason we now list some of the most important places with their respective local times.

Actual local time in Guatemala


Actual local time in Mexico

México City (Central Time)??:??
Aguascalientes (Central Time)??:??
Baja California (Pacific Time US - Baja California)??:??
Baja California Sur??:??
Campeche (Central Time - Campeche, Yucatan)??:??
Chiapas (Central Time)??:??
Coahuila de Zaragoza (Central Time - Durango;Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas (most areas))??:??
Distrito Federal (Central Time)??:??
Durango (Central Time)??:??
Guanajuato (Central Time)??:??
Guerrero (Central Time)??:??
Hidalgo (Central Time)??:??
Jalisco (Central Time)??:??
Michoacán de Ocampo (Central Time)??:??
Morelos (Central Time)??:??
Nayarit (Central Time)??:??
Nuevo León (Central Time)??:??
Oaxaca (Central Time)??:??
Puebla (Central Time)??:??
Querétaro de Arteaga (Central Time)??:??
Quintana Roo (Eastern Standard Time - Quintana Roo)??:??
San Luis Potosí (Central Time)??:??
Sinaloa (Mountain Time - Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa)??:??
Sonora (Mountain Standard Time - Sonora)??:??
Tabasco (Central Time)??:??
Tamaulipas (Central Time)??:??
Tlaxcala (Central Time)??:??
Veracruz-Llave (Central Time)??:??
Yucatán (Central Time)??:??
Zacatecas (Central Time)??:??

    Mexico time changes in 2018

  • CDT daylight saving time (UTC-5) takes effect on 2018-04-01 at 08:00.
  • CST standard time (UTC-6) takes effect on 2018-10-28 at 07:00.
  • PDT daylight saving time (UTC-7) takes effect on 2018-03-11 at 10:00.
  • PST standard time (UTC-8) takes effect on 2018-11-04 at 09:00.
  • MDT daylight saving time (UTC-6) takes effect on 2018-04-01 at 09:00.
  • MST standard time (UTC-7) takes effect on 2018-10-28 at 08:00.

If it's 12PM in Guatemala, what time is it in Mexico?

When it's 12:00 PM in Guatemala City, Guatemala, time in México City, Mexico is 12:00 PM.

Inverse calculation

Distance between Guatemala and Mexico

City of Guatemala:
City of Mexico:

Guatemala City, Guatemala's latitude is 14.62 and its longitude is -90.53. México City, Mexico's latitude is 19.4333 and its longitude is -99.1333. The distance in kilometers between Guatemala and Mexico is 1,059 km.


Traveling from Guatemala City to México City

By car, it would take you approximately 13.24 hours to get to México City, Mexico driving non-stop from Guatemala City, Guatemala at a constant speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

By plane, it would take you approximately 1.77 hours to get to México City, Mexico taking a direct flight from Guatemala City, Guatemala.

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