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Time difference between North Korea and United Kingdom


The time difference between North Korea and United Kingdom is 8.5 hour(s). While in North Korea the actual local time is ??:??, in United Kingdom the time is ??:??.

Actual local time in North Korea


Actual local time in United Kingdom


If it's 12PM in North Korea, what time is it in United Kingdom?

When it's 12:00 PM in Pyongyang, North Korea, time in London, England, United Kingdom is 10:00 PM(previous day).

Inverse calculation

Distance between North Korea and United Kingdom

City of North Korea:
City of United Kingdom:

Pyongyang, North Korea's latitude is 39.0194 and its longitude is 125.738. London, England, United Kingdom's latitude is 51.5 and its longitude is -0.13. The distance in kilometers between North Korea and United Kingdom is 8,664 km.


Traveling from Pyongyang to London, England

By car, it would take you approximately 108.3 hours to get to London, England, United Kingdom driving non-stop from Pyongyang, North Korea at a constant speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

By plane, it would take you approximately 14.44 hours to get to London, England, United Kingdom taking a direct flight from Pyongyang, North Korea.

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