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Brazil Holiday On February 21 2023?

The following are Brazil's national holidays and other observances that apply to Tuesday, 2023-02-21:

  • Italian Immigrant National Day:

    Today, February 21, National Immigrant Italian Day is commemorated throughout Brazil's national territory as established in a law passed by Brazilian Congress on 8 May 2008 and signed by then President of Brazil in office, José Alencar. The creation of a specific day to honor immigrants is the official recognition of Brazil for the great contribution of the Italian people.
  • Carnaval Tuesday:

    [facultativo] The traditioanl Brazilian Carnival is celebrated on Tuesday prior to Ash Wednesday. In some municipalities there is no work the previous Monday also, thus forming four days of carnival.The days of the Carnival, including Ash Wednesday, are not considered national holidays, as there is no law that supports it.


[facultativo] This day is "optional holiday" in some municipalities. There are no impediments to work on an "optional holiday". Thus, the employer, according to art. 2 of the Labor Code, is under no obligation to free employees of work, but by means of negotiation.

Content last updated on 2016-08-23T15:26:00Z