United States Guinness Records in 1947

This is a compilation of 5 United States Guinness records in 1947. You may want to take a look at our complete list of United States Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
14 October 1947First supersonic flight1947/10/14 firstCharles 'Chuck' Yeager
13 October 1947First cloud seeding experiment on a tropical cycloneProject Cirrus
16 September 1947Land-speed landmarks - first to exceed 400 mi/h on one leg of two-leg run394.194 mile(s) per hourJohn Cobb
1947First microwavefirstPercy Spencer
1947Most American Football games officiated2000 total numberRaymond Longden

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27