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Can σ-Hydrids be seen in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands?

Grytviken, capital of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

We recommend you read the introduction to meteor showers.

σ-Hydrids(HYD) meteor shower will be active from Thursday, December 3 2020 until Sunday, December 20 2020. Its peak day is Wednesday, December 9 2020, according to information published by the International Meteor Organization. For more information, check out the meteor shower calendar 2020.

Choose a meteor shower to obtain for relevant information:

Position of σ-Hydrids

σ-Hydrids's radiant during its peak day will be at alpha=127°, delta=+02°. The zenithal hourly rate is: 7 meteors per hour.

The visibility of a meteor shower depends on several factors: geographic coordinates of observer and elevation, time of the day, city lights pollution, the weather and the terrain. For reference, we have calculated the position (elevation / azimuth) of σ-Hydrids's radiant in the sky during its peak day, Wednesday, December 9 2020, for the following cities in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

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King Edward Point18°60°30°30°34°354°27°320°13°292°------------84°

The Sky and Stars in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

The following is a simulation of the sky and stars as seen from Grytviken, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands during its peak day starting at 00:00.

You may adjust the speed of the simulator backward or forward to see the movement of the radiant over the horizon.

Content last updated on 2016-01-06