Germany Guinness Records in Unknown date

This is a compilation of 18 Germany Guinness records in Unknown date. You may want to take a look at our complete list of Germany Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
Largest working airshipZeppelin NT
Largest audience to a live audio play/ radio play15211 peopleUnknown
First armchair detective seriesfirstUnknown
Fastest robot to solve a Rubik's Cube0.637 second(s)Albert Beer
Largest copper sulfate crystalUnknown
Fastest time to dress a Santa52.84 second(s)Andre Ortolf
Most continuous Thomas flairs - (floor)48 total numberVitali Schnikers
First figurative sculptureUnknown
First flying birdfirst firstArchaopteryx lithographica
Fastest motorcycle wheelie on a tightrope53 kilometre(s) per hourJohann Traber
Longest running finger wrestling contestFingerhakeln
Longest jump backwards from standing2.01 metre(s)Jan Hempel
Most successful tank commanderKurt Knispel, Otto Carius
Most visited touring exhibition14165000 peopleBody Worlds
Most successful submarine commanderLothar von Arnaud de la Perière
Most wins of the casting world championships (female)Jana Maisel
Largest area ploughed in 24 hours91.37 hectare(s)Unknown
Longest literary gestationUnknown

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27