China Guinness Records in Unknown date

This is a compilation of 19 China Guinness records in Unknown date. You may want to take a look at our complete list of China Guinness Records broken down by year.

WhenRecord nameWhatWho
399First extant Chinese mapZhaoYu Tu (Map of the area of the mausoleum)
First treefirst firstGinkgo biloba
Fastest maximum operating speed for a train350 kilometre(s) per hourUnknown
Longest wall3460 kilometre(s)Great Wall of China
Tallest human pyramidXiquets De Hangzhou
First mechanical clock725 firstY Xing & Liang Lingzan
959Most gender specific languageNüshu
First non-flying birdProtarchaeopteryx
Longest covered wooden corridorLong Corridor
997First paper moneyfirst firstJiaozi
First rallyfirstUnknown
131First seismographfirstZhang Heng
346First oil wellsRudimentary Chinese drilling
Land farthest from seaUnknown
200 BCFirst silk mapsSilk maps by cartographers in the court of the King of Ch’ang-sha
Oldest known paperUnknown
340First use of a crossbowBattle of Ma-ling
305 BCOldest decimal multiplication table2,300 year(s)Tsinghua Bamboo Slips
Largest human population1300000000 peopleAsia

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Content last updated on 2018-11-27